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about [2024/05/23 18:19] aidtoolbox.orgabout [2024/08/09 15:48] (current)
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 Due to project driven funding and bureaucratic structures many NGOs struggle with providing such tools to their volunteers and employees. Inter-agency coordination tools are also usually only run by UN organisations and suffer from neglect and over-emphasis on numerical reporting. Due to project driven funding and bureaucratic structures many NGOs struggle with providing such tools to their volunteers and employees. Inter-agency coordination tools are also usually only run by UN organisations and suffer from neglect and over-emphasis on numerical reporting.
-The plan is provide real alternatives with a focus on ease of use. Individual donations to run the services are appreciated, but we do not aim to be another B2B service provider for NGOs. All software deployed by us is open-source and can be freely used by anyone providing aid to people effected by conflicts, disaster and climate change.+Therefore in the best tradition of mutual-aid, we aim to provide real alternatives with a focus on ease-of-use and accessibility.
 If you are interested in helping out, please contact us [[|here]]. If you are interested in helping out, please contact us [[|here]].
-Our servers are hosted in the EU (Portugal) and therefore fall under strict data protection laws. Additional processing, such as automated email notifications are done on servers located in France.+Individual donations to run the services are appreciated, but we do not aim to become another B2B service provider for iNGOs. 
 +All software deployed by us is open-source and can be freely used by anyone providing aid to people effected by conflicts, disasters and the climate catastrophe. 
 +Our servers are hosted in the EU (Portugal) and therefore fall under strict data protection laws. Additional processing, such as automated email notifications are done via servers located in France
 +Please find further details in our [[about:terms|Terms of Use]] and [[about:privacy|Privacy Policy]].
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